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Antonelli College-Hattiesburg
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/24/19 - Antonelli College-Hattiesburg enrolls 155 undergrads
Healing Touch Career College
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/25/19 - Healing Touch Career College enrolls 139 undergrads
Jones County Junior College
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/27/24 - Students paid less for higher education in Jones County in 2022-23 school year
Mississippi College of Beauty Culture
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/27/24 - Students paid less for higher education in Jones County in 2022-23 school year
Pearl River Community College-Forrest County Center
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/19/24 - 96.6% of college applicants to Forrest County's 5 universities were admitted for fall 2022
Southeastern Baptist College
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/27/24 - Students paid less for higher education in Jones County in 2022-23 school year
The Academy of Hair Design Six
Higher Education | Trade Schools
Most recent 09/26/24 - Average cost of college went up for students in Forrest County in 2022-23 school year
University of Southern Mississippi
Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Most recent 09/26/24 - Average cost of college went up for students in Forrest County in 2022-23 school year
University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Department
Higher Education | Athletic Departments
Most recent 03/18/23 - Women's Tennis Falls in Conference Opener
Unlimited Cosmetology School
Higher Education | Trade Schools
Most recent 09/26/24 - Average cost of college went up for students in Forrest County in 2022-23 school year